Apr 17, 2012

Taman Candra Wilwatikta

Taman Candra Wilwatikta ini pertama kali di buat 1963 di atas tanah seluas 12,3 hektare
tujuan di bangunnya taman candra wilwatikta ini sebagai pusat kesenian dan budaya.
hal ini bisa di lihat dari panggung terbuka yang luas, diapit dua patung arca dwarapala dan dilengkapi dengan ornamen-ornamen khas candi menambah kesan, mewah ( bukan mepet sawah ), eksotis, dan waaaaah!! ketika kita masuk. Taman candra wilwatikta yang terletak ± 2 km dari Candi Jawi sendiri sangat populer di era orde baru, pernah di gunakan sebagai ajang Sendratari Ramayana Internasional ( mantap...) pada 1971.
Sebelum memasuki area Candra wilwatikta kita akan di sambut oleh beberapa ekor rusa.
Setiap sore banyak bapak / ibu² yang membawa anak²nya sekedar jalan-jalan atau melihat rusa ( termasuk saya ).
Bila di lihat dari depan kita bisa melihat dua gapura yang ada di tengah, dan anak tangga yang berada di depan tepat berada di tengah gunung penanggungan. Panggung yang megah di tambah background Gunung penanggungan yang gagah, wah indah banget.
Area pementasan ini selain ada panggung juga ada tempat duduk dari beton yang mampu menampung ± 500 penonton.
bila dilihat dari atas ( Google Earth ) maka area pementasan ini berbentuk segi lima...unik sekali kan.
Selain area pementasan ada juga tempat penginapan di candra wilwatikta.Taman candra wilwatikta ini juga sering di gunakan untuk lomba², seperti lomba burung, lomba memanah dan lain sebagainya. Pendopo serba guna biasanya di gunakan untuk resepsi pernikahan atau kegiatan² resmi instansi pemerintahan. Sayang sekali, semakin lama Taman Candra Wilwatikta ini sepertinya kurang terurus. Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur segera merevitalisasi Taman Chandra Wilwatikta Pandaan Pasuruan untuk difungsikan kembali sebagai Pusat Kesenian dan Kebudayaan di provinsi itu. Kondisi ini disebabkan pengelola Taman Chandra Wilwatikta mengalami kesulitan dana pengelolaannya. Meski banyak acara digelar di tempat yang bersejarah tersebut, tapi biaya yang diperolehnya tak seimbang dengan biaya pengelolaan.” Inisiatif proses revitalisasi dating dari Gubernur Jawa Timur, Soekarwo, namun prosesnya akan tetap melibatkan pengelolanya.
Nah itu salah satu daya tarik Pandaan - Pasuruan, kita sebagai warga Pandaan harusnya bangga dan wajib menjaga Candra Wilwatikta ini ( maklumlah tiada duanya coy... )
Terus Maju Pasuruanku!!!

Contour Line

A contour line (also isoline, isopleth, or isarithm) of a function of two variables is a curve along which the function has a constant value. In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height) above a given level, such as mean sea level. A contour map is a map illustrated with contour lines, for example a topographic map, which thus shows valleys and hills, and the steepness of slopes. The contour interval of a contour map is the difference in elevation between successive contour lines.
More generally, a contour line for a function of two variables is a curve connecting points where the function has the same particular value. The gradient of the function is always perpendicular to the contour lines. When the lines are close together the magnitude of the gradient is large: the variation is steep. A level set is a generalization of a contour line for functions of any number of variables.

Apr 16, 2012


A map is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes.
Many maps are static two-dimensional, geometrically accurate (or approximately accurate) representations of three-dimensional space, while others are dynamic or interactive, even three-dimensional. Although most commonly used to depict geography, maps may represent any space, real or imagined, without regard to context or scale; e.g. brain mapping, DNA mapping, and extraterrestrial mapping.

Apr 15, 2012


An atlas is a collection of maps; it is typically a map of Earth or a region of Earth, but there are atlases of the other planets (and their satellites) in the Solar System. Atlases have traditionally been bound into book form, but today many atlases are in multimedia formats. In addition to presenting geographic features and political boundaries, many atlases often feature geopolitical, social, religious and economic statistics.They also have information about the map and places in it.

"Atlas" mythology

The origin of the term atlas is a common source of misconception, perhaps because two different mythical figures named 'Atlas' are associated with map making.
  • King Atlas, a mythical King of Mauretania, also known as Aparajit in Hinduism, was according to legend a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial globe. It was this Atlas to whom Gerardus Mercator was referring when he first used the name "atlas", and he included a depiction of the King on the title-page.
  • However, the more widely known Atlas is a figure from Greek mythology. He is the son of the Titan Iapetus and Clymene (or Asia), and brother of Prometheus. Atlas was punished by Zeus and made to bear the weight of the heavens (the idea of Atlas carrying the Earth is not correct according to the original myth) on his back. One of Heracles's labours was to collect the apples of the Hesperides, guarded by Ladon. Heracles went to Atlas and reasoned with him. Eventually, Atlas agreed to collect the apples, and Heracles was left to carry the weight. Atlas tried to leave Heracles there, but Heracles tricked him and Atlas was left to carry the heavens forever. In his epic Odyssey, Homer refers to this Atlas as "one who knows the depths of the whole sea, and keeps the tall pillars who hold heaven and earth asunder".
In works of art, this Atlas is represented as carrying the heavens or the Celestial Sphere, on his shoulders. The earliest such depiction is the Farnese Atlas, now housed at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli in Naples, Italy. This figure is frequently found on the cover or title-pages of atlases. This is particularly true of atlases published by Dutch publishers during the second half of the seventeenth century. The image became associated with Dutch merchants, and a statue of this figure adorns the front of the World Trade Center in Amsterdam.
The first publisher to associate the Titan Atlas with a group of maps was Lafreri, on the title-page to "Tavole Moderne Di Geografia De La Maggior Parte Del Mondo Di Diversi Autori ...". However, he did not use the word "atlas" in the title of his work.

Modern atlas

With the coming of the global market, publishers in different countries can reprint maps from plates made elsewhere. This means that the place names on the maps often use the designations or abbreviations of the language of the country in which the feature is located, to serve the widest market. For example, islands near Russia have the abbreviation "O." for "ostrov", not "I." for "island". This practice differs from what is standard for any given language, and it reaches its extremity concerning transliterations from other languages. Particularly, German mapmakers use the transliterations from Cyrillic developed by the Czechs which are hardly used in English-speaking countries.

Selected general atlases

Some cartographically or commercially important atlases include the following:
17th century and earlier
  • Atlas Novus (Blaeu, Netherlands, 1635–1658)
  • Atlas Maior (Blaeu, Netherlands, 1662–1667)
  • Cartes générales de toutes les parties du monde (France, 1658–1676)
  • Dell'Arcano del Mare (England/Italy, 1645–1661)
  • Piri Reis map (Ottoman Empire, 1570–1612)
  • Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Ortelius, Netherlands, 1570–1612)
  • Klencke Atlas (1660; world's largest book)
  • The Brittania (John Ogilby, 1670–1676)
18th century
  • Atlas Nouveau (Amsterdam, 1742)
  • Britannia Depicta (London, 1720)
  • Cary's New and Correct English Atlas (London, 1787)
19th century
  • Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas (Germany, 1881–1939; in the UK as Times Atlas of the World, 1895)
  • Rand McNally Atlas (United States, 1881–present)
  • Stielers Handatlas (Germany, 1817–1944)
20th century
  • Atlante Internazionale del Touring Club Italiano (Italy, 1927–1978)
  • Atlas Mira (Russia, 1937–present)
  • Gran Atlas Aguilar (Spain, 1969/1970)
  • The Historical Atlas of China (China)
  • National Geographic Atlas of the World (United States, 1963–present)
  • Pergamon World Atlas (1962/1968)
  • Times Atlas of the World (United Kingdom, 1895–present)
21st century
  • North American Environmental Atlas


Topography (from Greek τόπος topos, "place", and γράφω graphō, "write") is a field of planetary science comprising the study of surface shape and features of the Earth and other observable astronomical objects including planets, moons, and asteroids. It is also the description of such surface shapes and features (especially their depiction in maps).
The topography of an area can also mean the surface shape and features themselves.
In a broader sense, topography is concerned with local detail in general, including not only relief but also vegetative and artificial features, and even local history and culture. This meaning is less common in America, where topographic maps with elevation contours have made "topography" synonymous with relief. The older sense of topography as the study of place still has currency in Europe.

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