Exercise 3a: Converting
labels to annotation
About annotation features
is a way to store text to place on your maps. With annotation, each piece of
text stores its own position, text string, and display properties. Dynamic
labels, based on one or more attributes of features, are the
other primary option for placing text on maps. If the exact position of each
piece of text is important, you should store your text as annotation in a
geodatabase. Annotation provides flexibility in the appearance and placement of
your text because you can select individual pieces of text and edit them. You
can convert labels to create new annotation features.
In this
exercise, you will convert labels into geodatabase annotation so you can edit
the text features.
Preparing the labels for conversion
The map
you will use in this exercise contains roads and water features in Zion
National Park. The layers in the map have dynamic labels, but some of the map
features could not be labeled due to space constraints.
When you
convert the labels to annotation, you can position each piece of text manually.
1. Click
the Open button
on the Standard toolbar.
Navigate to the Exercise3.mxd map
document in the Editing directory where you installed the tutorial data.
(C:\ArcGIS\ArcTutor is the default location.)
3. Click
the map and click Open.
4. If you
still have the map document open from the previous exercise and are prompted to
close it, you can do so without saving your changes. Each feature layer has
dynamic labels, and the Streams layer has label classes based on the layer's
symbology. Label classes let you create different labels for different types of
features in a given layer, so for example, intermittent streams can be given
smaller labels than perennial streams.
5. Click Customize, point to Toolbars, then click Labeling.
6. To
view which labels do not fit, view the unplaced labels. Click the View Unplaced Labels button . The
labels that could not be placed are displayed in red. It might be possible to
fit these labels by adjusting their size, changing the feature and label
weights, or making the map larger. However, for this exercise, you will convert
the labels to annotation and place or delete the unplaced annotation.
7. Click the View Unplaced Labels button again to hide the unplaced labels. Annotation
features have a fixed position and size, so when you zoom in to the map, they
appear to get larger. Labels are dynamically drawn according to their layer’s
label properties. If the map does not have a reference scale, they are drawn at
their specified font size regardless of the map scale. To make labels behave
more like annotation, you can set a reference scale for the map. The labels are
drawn with their specified font size scaled relative to the reference scale.
When converting labels to annotation, you should specify a reference scale. If
you do not, the current map scale is used as the reference scale for the
8. Type 170000
in the Map Scale box
on the Standard
and press ENTER.
9. In the table of
contents, click the List By Drawing Order button , if it is not
already the active way to sort layers. Then, right-click Layers (the name of the data frame), point to Reference Scale,
then click Set Reference Scale. Now if you zoom in
or out, the labels become correspondingly larger or smaller. You are ready to convert
these labels to annotation.
Converting labels to annotation
Annotation can be
stored in a map document or in feature classes in a geodatabase. You will
convert these labels to annotation stored in a geodatabase. The Convert Labels
to Annotation dialog box allows you to specify what kind of annotation to
create from the labels, which features to create annotation for, and where the
annotation will be stored.
1. In the table of
contents, right-click Layers and
click Convert Labels to Annotation. ArcView users can
view feature-linked annotation, but they cannot create it or edit datasets that
contain it. If you have an ArcView license, the Feature Linked column of check
boxes is unavailable. In this exercise, you will create standard annotation
features. Skip the next step if you have an ArcView license.
2. Uncheck the check
boxes in the Feature Linked column. Small folder icons, the browse buttons, appear beside the
annotation feature class names as you uncheck the Feature Linked check boxes.
Feature-linked annotation must be stored with the feature class that it is
related to in the geodatabase. Standard annotation feature classes can be stored
in other geodatabases; after unchecking the boxes, you have the option to
specify a new location for your annotation. Standard annotation feature classes
are stored in the same dataset as their source feature class by default. If a
feature layer on the map was based on a shapefile or coverage feature class,
the browse button would have been visible and you would need to browse to a
geodatabase to store the new annotation feature class.
3. Verify
that Convert unplaced labels to unplaced
annotation is
checked. This gives you a chance to manually place the annotation for the
features that could not be labeled.
4. Click Convert. The labels are converted to
annotation. The process should take less than a minute, though the speed
depends on your computer. When the annotation feature classes are created, they
are added to ArcMap. Each layer's label classes are stored as separate
annotation classes within a single annotation feature class. For example, the
two label classes for streams become two annotation classes, Intermittent and
Perennial, within the StreamsAnno annotation feature class. These annotation classes
can be turned on and off independently, and they can have their own visible
scale ranges.
5. To
continue to the next exercise, Exercise 3b: Editing
annotation features. You have converted labels to annotation features. Next, you will
place them on the map and edit their positions.
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