Nov 14, 2012

Alpha PSP


Thai Rice for Better Life

Rice is well known to the Thais (and most Asians) from the day they are weaned from breast-feeding, and has played an important role especially to the Thai people’s way of life since olden Times. It can be said Thai rice is the product originated from the endeavor and the industrious aspects of the ancient Thai people. Rice has been the bloodstream, nourishing Thailand from The past. In addition, rice has also inherited the nation’s valuable legends, passing on from generation to generation. Therefore all The Thai people have always realized the essential value of rice.
The effectiveness of using Thai rice to treat various ailments dates back many centuries, when ancient Thai folk medicine doctors successfully treated their patients with a liquid concoction containing natural herbs and native rice gruel. These ancient healers knew that the human body has a natural power to heal itself when it is fed the right quality of nutrients that the body can recognize as food for the production of cellular energy. Presently, many leading scientists, physicians and biochemists in academic sectors are investigating the health benefits of certain cultivated rice as functional food.
Thai Rice Won Prizes in World Rice Contest since 1933In fact, thanks to the ancestors of Thai people for having chosen this current geographical location for Thailand, because Thailand is now situated in the diversity of both wild and cultivated rice, as Thailand today has more than 3,500 varieties, names and characters of rice. Even though there are at least 23 kinds of rice in the world, only two are cultivated for consumption, i.e., Asia rice (Oryza Staiva Linn.) and Africa rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud) have various genetic diversities that have at least 120,000 varieties with different names and characters.
Compliments should go to the Thai ancestors who have chosen the right variety of rice for each particular environment order to obtain premium quality rice and seeds. This has enhanced the Thai rice to its world-class excellence today. In fact, Thai rice won the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd plus another 8 prizes in The World Rice Contests in 1933, held in Regina, Canada, where 150 rice items participated in the competition.



Substance Name: Alpha-PSP Main Source: Native Strains of Brown Rice, Short Grain Rice and Fragrant Rice Grown in the Siam Valley of Thailand Active Components: Polysaccharides, Peptides, Essential Vitamins and Minerals Usage: Functional Food for applications in the prevention of disease, degenerative diseases and metabolic disorders. 
Rice, is a kind of cereal well-known to the Thais and to all of Asia as a staple food for centuries, has played an essential role in nutrition and to the health of people worldwide. Over half the world population, especially the Asians, consume rice as their major source of dietary intake. It can be said that rice is the product originated from the endeavour and the industrious aspects of the Thai people. Rice has been the bloodstream, nourishing Thailand from the past and into the future. In addition to this, rice has also inherited the nations' valuable legends, passing from generation to generation. Therefore all the Thai people have always realized the values of rice.

Until recently, rice has been the basis of daily food sustenance. The National Innovation Agency [NIA] and the Macrofood Tech Co., Ltd. through innovative collaboration for the continued research with Thai scientists, biochemists and researchers who have developed Alpha-PSP from native strains of rice that has demonstrated significant results in applications as a functional food for the prevention and alleviation of most degenerative diseases and metabolic disorders. It is known that over 90% of degenerative diseases are related to Syndrome X, a metabolic disorder which may be overcome through the ingestion of Alpha-PSP. By utilizing a proprietary process of mechanical hydrolyzation, under high pressure using an advanced biotechnology, selected fractions of rice grains harvested at the right age and grown in the organic matter rich, alkaline soils in the Siam Valley of Thailand, scientists have been able to isolate the polysaccharide-peptides (PSP) into a hypoallergenic, dry powder form to create the Alpha-PSP.

Alpha-PSP Sayamrice contains a unique functional and cellular food formulation made up of specific polysaccharides, amino acid patterns, organic minerals, natural vitamin B-complex, and more than 50 antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for body functions. Nevertheless, ancient Thai healers knew that the body had its own power to heal itself when The patient had The correct amount and quality of food for cellular nutrition and energy production, contained good patterns of amino acids for hormone and enzyme production, and had complete trace minerals and vitamins which worked as catalysts for antioxidants to combat free radicals which are present in illness afflicted individuals.

Alpha-PSP contains all these naturally derived nutrients in “alpha” form:
  • Polysaccharide available as biological fuel 
  • Polypeptide, the amino acids available in the right quantity and ratios to be used as raw materials to the cells to perform their functions effectively 
  • Natural Vitamins from plants 
  • Organic natural minerals 
  • Phytonutrients from plants 
From Alzheimer’s brain cell model (Sawatsri et al), this functional food may exhibit either anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, neuro-protective and neuro-regenerative actions. The data from clinical trial (Toan et al) showed the benefits of Alpha-PSP in reducing cardiac risk factors. Observational evidence from clinical practices (personal communication) demonstrated the benefits of Alpha-PSP on allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s diseases. Studies have shown this functional food enhances the body's defense mechanism, preventing tiredness and fatigue, thus resulting in improved vitality. Many medical doctors around the world have used Alpha-PSP both in conjunction with pharmaceutical drugs and individually for practically all metabolic and degenerative disorders afflicting humankind. 

Thailand performs more research on rice than any other country, working in conjunction with the international Rice Research Institute (lRRl), and is one of the leading exporters of rice in the world. This Strategic innovative Alpha-PSP project is a joint effort between the National Innovation Agency [NIA], Ministry of Science and Technology, University Research Facilities, Government Hospitals, and a leading functional food manufacturer in Thailand with the goal of expanded exportation of functional food products to both local and global markets.

Both NIA and the Ministry of Science and Technology/s objectives are to utilize the research to develop new solutions for applications in alleviating the escalating epidemics and levels of degenerative disease and promoting good health around the world. 
100,000 years of natural, organic mineral accumulation in Thai soil, and 10,000 years of natural Spirulina accumulation & production, which enables Thailand to cultivate highly nutritious, quality rice as an exceptional functional food.
Thailand is therefore considered as one of the largest collectors and providers of natural energy in the form of rice grains to enhance the healing power of humankind. Thailand’s natural, organic resources are also considered the largest plantation treasure in the world. Thailand, in association with the |international Rice Research institute (IRRI), is known to be leading the world in rice research with the aim to produce rice to feed the world's rapidly expanding human population. Since the early l990’s, scientists and doctors at Macro Food Tech Company in Thailand have successfully combined the Thai folk medicine techniques and theory with modern sophisticated mechanical hydrolysis, without using enzymes, acids or chemicals. Instead, it uses the power of indirect heat at controlled temperature coupled with high pressure to process selected fractions of specific strains of rice to obtain Alpha-PSP, a nutrient compound in the form of a pulverized functional food supplement. This Alpha-PSP has demonstrated in clinical practices its ability to aid thousands of individuals in the alleviation from unnecessary metabolic disorders and chronic illnesses, which are the main causes of premature ageing and death among men and women living in today’s industrialized societies.


Unknown said...

Thank you for providing the valuable information about Alpha PSP. This article will be highly helpful to many people.

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