Apr 14, 2012

Manage your playlist with the Apple iPad

Change or Delete a current Playlist

If you change your mind about a playlist's tune order, drag the song titles up or down inside the playlist window. Just make sure to sort the playlist by song order first.
You can always drag more songs into a playlist, and you can delete titles if you your playlist needs pruning. Click the song in the playlist window and then hit Delete or Backspace. When iTunes asks you to confirm your decision, click Yes. Remember, deleting an audio lesson from a playlist doesn't delete it from your music library - it simply removes the title from that particular playlist.
You can quickly give a song to an existing playlist from the main iTunes window, whichever view you happen to be using: Select the song, right-click it, and then, in the pop-up menu, choose "Add to Playlist". Scroll towards the playlist you want to use and then click the mouse button to add the track to that playlist.
If you need to see how many playlists contain a certain song, choose the track, right-click it, and choose "Show in Playlist" in the pop-up menu. When it's time to get rid of the playlist once and for all because the party's over, select the playlist icon iTunes and press the Delete key. You see a message box from iTunes asking to confirm your decision. If you autosync the iPad, the playlist disappears there, too.

iTunes DJ: Get the Party Started

The conventional iTunes song-shuffle feature can be inspiring or embarrassing, depending on which songs the program happens to play. The iTunes DJ feature lets you control which songs iTunes selects when it shuffles at your next wingding. Additionally, it shows you what's recently been played and what's coming up in the mix, so you know what to expect.
Click the iTunes DJ icon in the Playlists area of the iTunes Source list. You now see a new pane at the very bottom of iTunes. Use the Source pop-up menu to pick a music source for the mix. You can use either an existing playlist, the Genius, or your whole library.
If you can't stand the song list that iTunes proposes, click the Refresh button in the bottom-right of the iTunes window. iTunes generates a brand new list of songs for your consideration.
Click the Settings button at the bottom of the window. In the Settings box, you can alter the number of recently played and upcoming songs that iTunes displays. If iTunes is DJ'ing your interactive music party, the Settings box also has a place to put a Welcome message for guests changing up your music with the Remote program on their iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads.
Arrange the songs if you feel like it. Back on the playlist, you can manually add songs, delete them in the playlist, or rearrange the playing order. To include songs, click the Source list's Music icon and then drag your selected tunes onto the iTunes DJ icon. Click the Play button. And let the music play on.


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